If you ever have issues with Downloadable Products, this article will help you through it. Downloadable Products would be items such as mp3s, images, or documents such as PDFs. 

Applies to Version(s): 3.9.x Series


How to Troubleshoot Downloadable Products

If your downloadable products are not working, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. 

First, you must verify if the file is located in the content/download folder. Also, check if the file name does NOT contain spaces. If it does, rename the file to replace all spaces with _ underscores.

Example of File Name with lower case and use of Underscores "_":

sample file name

Note: You can upload via FTP or directly through the cart but you won't see the images in File Manager within the Admin area.

What the file path will look like from your cart:

sample download path

The image below is an example of what the FTP will look like when you upload and where you can find it: 

sample ftp

The image below is an example of what it looks like when creating the File Path for download or when directly uploading from the Product Level:

path to digital product

Note: In the admin area, go to Products & Categories > Browse products and find the digital download you are working with. Double-check whether the correct file name is placed under the path to the digital product file or you uploaded the correct file under the File you would like to upload. 

Creating a Digital Product for Download

When you create a digital product for download, you have to first make sure that the Product Type is set to Digital so that you can see the other settings. 

edit product type

After you have set the Product Type to Digital, scroll down and look for Digital Downloads. Then, you can do it in either of these two ways:

  1. Place the file path field according to where it's located on the server.
  2. Directly upload your product file.

digital download options

Note: If the file is located within the /download folder and is not in a subfolder, all you need to enter is the filename, i.e. 'story.pdf'. However, if it's within a subfolder, you would need to specify the subfolder path, ie 'books/story.pdf'.

If you have run through all the steps mentioned above and you still can't get the digital download to work, please contact technical support for assistance. 

Links to Related Articles

None at this time.

If you didn't get your question answered, please contact the Pinnacle Cart Support Team. To submit a ticket, go to the My Account drop-down menu at the top right of the admin area and select Support.