A lot of customers have asked this, "How do I create a PDF for download so a customer can see how to use a product?". This is something that we will help you do and show you how to do it. A PDF can help your customers understand how a product works, how to install your product or use it with other products. The PDF can also be a declaration for your customers to use. It doesn't just have to be a PDF, you can use other file types as well. 

Applies to Version(s): 3.9.0 or Current

In this article, you will learn:

File Types to Use 

Where to upload your PDF

Where to Place a Link for your PDF 

File Types 

You can use virtually any type of file, but the most common would be a PDF. But if you decide to use a text file or an audio/video file, this can be done as well.

These are the other file types that you can use. For other file type options, you can check here

  • CSV
  • Excel
  • PDF
  • MP3
  • PDF
  • JPG
  • GIF

Where to Upload Your PDF 

There are a few different ways you can add links to your PDF. You can upload it through the File Manager or by using FTP (File Type Protocol). FTP is the easiest way to upload, especially for large-sized files because the file manager in the cart may timeout when you upload large files. 

To upload a PDF in File Manager, go to Settings >Advanced Settings >File Manager. Then click the Upload File button to upload your PDF file. 

file manager settings

Or you can create a Page that your customers can go to. For this, you can upload your files to a cloud service or an off-site server. Then, you can insert your link and the associated information that you want to display.  

insert link button

inserting links sitepages

The second method is fairly easy as from the server or Cloud site you're using, you will just copy and paste the link they provide. For the first example, you will need to create a link which is the direct path from where the file is located. So for the first example, the link would look something like this: 


then when you insert the link, the code would look like this:

<a href="http://example.com/files/myfile.pdf" target="_blank">Download</a> 

Doing it this way will require you to hard-code this link into your site. You can read more about how to do this here.

Where to Place a Link for your PDF

Where you place your link will be based on where you uploaded the PDF file, as discussed above. If you're hard-coding your link on the site, you will want to find the file on the page and the area you're doing this. So if you want to have a link in your header based on:

  • Logo - do this through head.html
  • Body - do this through body.html
  • Product Pages - you need to hard code the link into element-description.html 

You can hard code your link through the Source Code of the product description. 

source code

Another option would be to have a box on your site, either on the Right or Left side by creating a widget. To do so, take a look at this article.

If you want to learn more about hard coding links for your site, you can refer to these links:

Hard Coding Wiki


Links to Related Articles.

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