The cart administration for PinnacleCart uses the icons below throughout the online cart administration. These visual aids assist in providing a clean, intuitive interface for operating your online store. Take a minute to look over the list below, you will see a legend of icons and what they represent in PinnacleCart.

Applies to Version(s): 3.9.0 - Current

Legend of Icons

The cart admin interface uses many images to represent an object or an action. The table below shows the most common icons and what they represent.

Description of Item or Action
search iconSearch
orders iconOrders
customers iconCustomers
browse products iconBrowse Products
reports iconReports
marketing iconMarketing
front-end iconFront-End
apps iconApps
settings iconSettings
admin panel iconAdmin Panel
view storefront iconView Storefront
message center iconMessage Center
profile settings iconProfile
information iconCart Information
add new product or category iconAdd a New Product or Category
browse categories iconBrowse Categories
manufacturers iconManufacturers
bestseller settings iconBestseller Settings
product reviews iconProduct Reviews
order forms iconOrder Forms
manage themes iconManage Themes
shipping and delivery iconShipping and Delivery
advanced settings iconAdvanced Settings
payment and taxes iconPayments and Taxes