Quickbooks is software integrated with your cart to make it easier to keep track of Orders, Customers, and Sales. It also allows you to track multiple stores at one time.

Applies to Version(s): 3.7.14 - 3.8.2r2 (or Current)

How to Enable Quickbooks

Note: You can only use Quickbooks Online or Desktop and not the Enterprise Version. If you have Enterprise you will need to activate Webgility and set that up. Also, only the US Version is viable in PinnacleCart. For more information regarding this, you can refer to Intuit.

Quickbooks Online and Desktop can be used, Enterprise version isn't compatible with PinnacleCart.

    1. Log into your cart Admin. Navigate to Apps > App Center > then select Intuit QuickBooks. 

intuit quickbooks app

    2. Click Connect to Quick Books on the upper right-hand corner.

connect to quickbooks button


    3. After clicking that button, it will bring up a log in screen for Intuit Quick Books. Enter your user ID and Password then click the Sign In button. 

sign in intuit quickbooks

    4. Now that your account has been connected to QBs, go back to Apps and it will show all the Apps that are currently active. Click on Intuit Quickbooks a and it will show you all your Sync information.

Also when setting this up you "must" have an Income account and Expense account set up on the QBs side so the cart knows where to push the information for you to view. These can be selected if set up properly from the Advanced Settings option.


Now that you have fully synced your QBs the cart Cron will update this once every 12 hours or every the admin logs in. If you're seeing issues down the line with your sync, make sure to check your Credentials and also try disconnecting and reconnecting, then logging out of the cart and back in. Most of the time this will fix any issues you're having. 

If you didn't get your question answered, please contact the Pinnacle Cart Support Team. To submit a ticket, go to the My Account drop-down menu at the top right of the admin area and select Support.